September 2014


    John 16:33:


     Wager on Christ



What do you make of the world these days? There is the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa and the wars in Syria, Israel, Iraq, and the Ukraine. We are running “the eager gamut” of our lives

“through hazards of sickness and accident, beasts and bacteria, the malignant power of the forces of nature, and the vengeful hands” of our fellow human beings (Karl Menninger, Man Against Himself, 1938).

What shall we say to all of this? Nothing but John 16:33 – “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” When Luther preached in 1538 on these words of Jesus, he exclaimed: Wager on Christ! (Luther’s Works 24:417). Yes, indeed, for it is only Christ who can carry us through this life into the world to come – which will surely be “a better country” (Hebrews 11:16). So until that happens, thank God for the Savior, and serve one another – “never flagging in zeal” (Romans 12:11).

Pastor Marshall  


Persecution Today

Christians Under Attack



By Pastor Marshall


American Christians need to wake up. Even though we enjoy many religious freedoms in our land, many Christians throughout the world do not. And they need our prayers.

A couple books to read on this worldwide catastrophe are The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution (2013), by John L. Allen, Jr.; and Christianophobia:  A Faith Under Attack (2012), by Rupert Shortt.  Jesus warned that the world would hate Christians because it had hated him (John 15:18-19). He even said his followers would suffer more than he (Matthew 10:25).

So be warned and pray: O Lord, protect your children when thrown into the lions’ den. Keep their faith strong. Give them brave and bold hearts. And fill them with the knowledge that they’re sharing in the sufferings of Christ Jesus. Amen.



PRESIDENT'S Larraine King

God, whose giving knows no ending, from your rich and endless store:

…..Gifted by you, we turn to you, off’ring up ourselves in praise…..


This is the beginning of Hymn #408.  It is a treasure trove of ideas for stewardship and service to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and our brothers and sisters.  We have all been blessed with skills and talents that we use in our daily lives to serve our families, businesses, and churches.  Treasure, too, you have entrusted ….. Ours to use for home and kindred, and to spread the Gospel Word. (v.#3) 

     This being September it is Pledge Card time – a time when we each review our previous years’ giving to the church and pledge an amount for the coming year.  This gives us the opportunity to prayerfully consider our stewardship as it assists the council in planning our budget for the coming year.  Pledge cards will be available Sunday, September 14th.  We ask that they be returned by Sunday, October 19th.

     The Fall schedule begins the first Sunday in September with morning and evening Bible study, Sunday School and Sunday morning adult education classes.  “With the Mind” will be on the 4th Saturday of each month and the Fall Koran class begins in October.  These are outstanding educational opportunities.

     Financially speaking, the church is currently running about $3,600 behind the budget needs.  This was true in both June and July.  August has also started with very low giving.  In the first quarter of the year, we received over $12,000 in giving that exceeded the pledged giving, and in the second quarter that figure dropped to just over $1,500.  There was also a slight increase in the number of members who were behind on their pledge, but that amounted to a difference of just under $300.  Hopefully with the beginning of Fall, attendance will normalize and members will remember to fulfill their giving pledges.  The church council is also watching the expenses as compared to the budget projections.  As of middle of the year, the expenses exceed the budget by just under $1,500.  Also it was emphasized during the summer at worship and the mid-year meeting that there are advantages to electronic giving.  It insures that even if you forget, the church will still receive your pledge.  See “Why Pledge???” article for more details.

     In August the Executive Committee met with Pr. Marshall to share their Pastoral Review evaluations.  This review process is required by our church constitution and occurs every two years.  Copies of the four reports and Pr. Marshall’s summary responses are available in the church office to read.

     In late June, the Sunday School held their annual Hymn School, where students spent 2 days learning a selection of hymns from LBW with the expert help of Jane Harty and Pr. Marshall.  The students also made crafts that they shared with residents of Park West Care Facility when they sang the hymns they had learned for those able to attend.  Many thanks to Gina Allen, Matthew Kahn, Janine Douglass, Kari Ceaicovschi, Kendell Jones, and Rollie Storbakken, who helped make the event a success.  The service project for the year had been Gospel for Asia.  With the money donated, the students decided to purchase a camel, rabbits, and chickens to be sent to needy families served by Gospel for Asia. 

     The membership continues to be very supportive in giving to our extended ministries with food donations for the West Seattle Food Bank, school supplies for the West Seattle Helpline, and “ornaments from the Christmas in July and August” tree for the St. Nicholas Faire.  The response is a wonderful blessing to those individuals who need the services of the Food Bank and Helpline.

     We are a fortunate congregation.  We have a superb church which inspires worship and awe.  We have an excellent staff that is faithful to the traditions and teachings of Scripture and the historic Lutheran doctrine.  We have a committed membership that generously supports the work of the church and its extended ministries.  We share ourselves and our gifts with others. 


Open wide our hands in sharing, as we heed Christ’s ageless call,

Healing, teaching, and reclaiming, serving you by loving all.  (v.#4)



2015 Pledge Card Drive


As we consider the 2015 pledge card drive, we might ask the question, “Why pledge?”  We can think of so many reasons not to give; our mortgage or rent, our retirement fund, education funds for the kids and grandkids, the new car we need, home improvements, credit card bills, that much needed vacation…. The list is endless.  If we keep our focus on these, we will be tempted only to consume and to accumulate.  Both of these desires are constantly reinforced by our society through media and advertising.

    So what are we to do and how do we counter these influences that grab our attention?  Here are some simple principles of Biblical giving that were published a number of years ago.  They provide much food for meditation and prayer. 


     • Everything we have belongs to God.  We are stewards of all these gifts, to be used for the glory of God.

     • The first gift we give is that of ourselves – our whole lives, our time, our talents, and our money.

     • The Bible challenges us to give both our tithe – 10% of our total income – and offerings over and above the tithe.

     • We give our best to our Lord through first fruits giving – we pay the church first and intentionally plan our giving.

     • The Christian life is first and foremost a life of sacrifice and self-denial.  We follow Jesus’ example of sacrificial giving.

     • People who give sacrificially are richly blessed; ex-tithers are rare.

     • Money can easily become the object of worship.  We cannot serve two masters.

     • Ultimate worth in life is not found in how much we have, but in how much we give away and bless others.

Praying about our stewardship gives us the opportunity to examine our hearts, to be honest about what is important to us, and to grow spiritually in our walk with God. Plan to return you completed pledge card by October 19th.  Let us rejoice and be glad that we have been so richly blessed!

─The Church Council 



It has come to the attention of the Church Council that giving falls short during the summer months because attendance is affected by vacation, etc. In June our giving was behind by about $3,500.  While this is not yet a major problem, we want to encourage everyone to remember to fulfill their pledges in a timely manner, as our cash liquidity depends on this.

     One way to solve this problem is to sign up for electronic giving.  This is easy to do.  Forms are available on the office window counter.  You can complete them and turn them in either in the offering plate or to the church office. 

     So what are the advantages??? First, your contribution will always be on time and donated to the church without you having to be present to put your offering in the collection plate.  Second, you don’t have to remember to write your check because it is done for you on a date you specify.

     Any disadvantages???  There are fees for this service that the church pays.  First, there is a $.20 per transaction fee for electronic transfers.  Second, if the donation is by credit card, the church pays 2.65% of the donated amount to the credit card company.  While they are very low fees for the convenience, you could choose to put additional cash in the offering plate to cover these costs.  Another way to lower what the church pays is to replace weekly gifts with a single gift each month, (but still donating the same total amount), reducing the number of electronic transfer fees per month.

     The bottom line is the Church Council depends on regular donations to pay its expenses and support our designated extended ministries.  When we forget to give, the donated amount comes up short and then something may end up not being funded, or we have outstanding bills going into the next month.  We are asking that each member remember to fulfill their pledge regularly, via the offering plate, the US Mail, or electronic giving.  All of our pledged gifts are needed.  Let’s pray we will all remember our commitment!

                                                                        ─The Church Council




Stewardship                                               Budget                     Received

    Month (July)                                          $18,058                    $16,512

      Year to date (Jan-July)                           $143,729                  $140,131





Everything Belongs to God


Merciful Father,

We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us: Ourselves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love.  

–LBW pp.108


We pray this prayer most every Sunday. It reflects what stewardship is. In tithing not only our income, but also our time and our gifts, we recognize that all of those things are not really ours. They belong to God, and He has granted those gifts to us so that we may further His kingdom on earth. In Haggai 2:8, God instructs us that “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine.” So, as a reflection of our joy for the sacrifice God has provided for our redemption in His son, Christ Jesus, we are to tithe our money, gifts, and time. This means we give a full 10% of our income to the Church, but it also means that we use our gifts to further the mission of the Church, whether that be through public outreach programs, through singing in the choir, or through helping with Golden Fellowship luncheons.

God reminds us that He is the source of our wealth in other ways. Hosea 2:9 states that “I [God] will take back my grain in its time and my wine in its season.” In part, this is because we forget the source of our material blessings. Let us never forget that God is the source of our being, our time, and our wealth. Regardless of our circumstances, let us always give generously of all three to the Church and to God in order to glorify Christ’s sacrifice.

-David King, Church Council




Preparing for Our 100th Anniversary


By Pastor Marshall


What was going on when our church was founded on September 25, 1918? Here is a copy of part of the front page of the newspaper on that day:

    The front page news is about WWI – which was to end shortly after starting in 1914. The caption reads: “Gunners in modern war seldom see the enemy, their pieces being screened in the rear, behind the infantry, and being guided by telephoned reports from observers far up at the front. In this picture the soldier at the foot of the tree is in communication by telephone with the forward observer. The soldier is transmitting the observer’s report to the officer, who, with megaphone in hand, is ready to give the command to his men.”

    Continuing down that road, the $1.4 billion each, M1A2 Abrams tanks (70 tons each, 9 feet high, traveling speed, 40 mph) used in the siege of Baghdad, are able – with onboard computer equipment – to hit targets 2.5 miles away – that would be from Morgan to Admiral Street (Jack David, Abram Tanks, 2007).




40th Anniversary


Andrew J. King & Dean Walter Hard


At our mid-year congregational meeting, July 27th, we had a small reception in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Dean and Andy – our choirmaster and organist. Their collaboration as our music directors is one of the longest standing in the history of the church in our area. Since 1992, Dean has also been our Parish Deacon, and since 1999, Andy has been our Cantor.
     Both Dean and Andy were born in Seattle. Dean graduated from West Seattle High School and attended PLU. From 1970-1980 he was also the assistant director of student activities at West Seattle High School. His major choral influences have been Paul Fosso (1918-2003), Milton Katims (1909-2006), Roger Wagner (1914-1992), and Paul J. Christiansen (1914-1997). His favorite composer is Johann Sebastian Bach and his favorite hymn is “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” (LBW 497). Andy graduated from Ballard High School, PLU and the University of Washington. His mentors in church music were Edward Hansen (1929-1998) and David Dahl (1937-   ). He also has been influenced by Paul Manz (1919-2009).  Andy’s favorite composer is also Johann Sebastian Bach and his favorite hymn is “If You But Trust in God to Guide You” (LBW 453).  Andy is also the CFO at Rainier Industries.

     We thank God for the faithful ministry of both Dean and Andy in our congregation over these many years, and pray that they will continue to bless us through their service for many years to come.


With the Mind


Readings in Contemporary Theology with Pastor Marshall

in the Church Lounge, 3-5 pm, the fourth Saturday of each month.



Sept. 27       Brett McCracken, Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide (2010).

Oct. 25        David Montgomery, The Rocks Don’t Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood (2012).

Nov. 22       Frederica Mathewes-Green, The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer That Tunes the Heart to God (2009).

Dec. 27       Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (2008).

Jan. 24        Thomas Bergler, The Juvenilization of American Christianity (2012).

Feb. 28        Tosca Lee, Iscariot: A Novel of Judas (2014).

Mar. 28      C. C. Smith & J. Pattison, Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus (2014).

Apr. 25       Martin Mosebach, The Heresy of Formlessness: The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy (2006).

May 23       Ross Douthat, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics (2012).


September Book


3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, September 22nd.

The book for September is Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide (2010), by Brett McCracken (1982-   ). This book is a critique of the growing influence of youth culture on the American church. McCracken is guided in his critique by these words of C. S. Lewis at the end of his life in 1963: “I have some definite views about the de-Christianizing of the church. I believe that there are many accommodating preachers, and too many practitioners in the church who are not believers. Jesus Christ did not say ‘Go into all the world and tell [it] that it is quite right.’ The Gospel is something completely different. In fact, it is directly opposed to the world” (p. 11).
      A copy of this wonderful book is in the church library. If you would like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend our meeting when we discuss this matter of changing the church for the worse in American society today.


Sunday Education

with Pastor Marshall


9:00 to 10:00 am, Room D


FALL SESSION I, September 7 - October 26

War & Religion: Remembering WWI as a Crusade

        This eight week class will study Philip Jenkins’ new book, The Great and Holy War: How WWI Became a Religious Crusade (2014). Each week excerpts from this nearly 500 page book will be handed out for discussion.

In this 100th Anniversary of the beginning of WWI, we will want to learn more about the religious dimension of this war “to end all wars,” which has been under appreciated in the past.


FALL SESSION II, November 2 - December 21

Saint Luke’s Two Volumes: Reading Luke & Acts Together

        In this eight week class we will study the two books of Saint Luke – The Gospel of Luke and Acts. Each week we will correlate passages from the two books.

Before each class session, a worksheet will be handed out for the next class.


WINTER SESSION, January 4 - 25

All Bound Up – Luther’s Great Treatise on the Human Will

        In this short, four week class, we will study Luther’s greatest book, The Bondage of the Will (1525). The class will study a collection of excerpts  from Luther’s treatise. This class is the nineth in our series of studies in the Reformation leading up to its 500th anniversary in 2017.


SPRING SESSION I, February 1 - March 29

The Key to the New Testament: A Study of the Book of Romans

        In this eight week class we will study the Book of Romans that Luther thought was the most important book in the New Testament or its “chief part” (Luther’s Works 35:365). He also thought it was worth memorizing!

Each class session will be based on a worksheet of questions handed out the week before.


SPRING SESSION II, April 5 - May 31

Luther’s Battle Cry: His 1518 Heidelberg Disputation

        This eight week class will study in detail Luther famous “Heidelberg Disputation,” Luther’s Works 31:39-70.

This class is the tenth in our series on studies in the Reformation leading up to the 500th anniversary in 2017.



Schedule for

Wednesday Bible Classes

with Pastor Marshall


Morning 10- 11:30 am

Fall: Hebrews                                                 Spring: Proverbs

1) Hebrews 1.1-14    9) Hebrews 9.1-14        1) Proverbs 1.1-33           9) Proverbs 16.1-17.28

2) Hebrews 2.1-18  10) Hebrews 9.15-28      2) Proverbs 2.1-3.35       10) Proverbs 18.1-19.29

3) Hebrews 3.1-19  11) Hebrews 10.1-18      3) Proverbs 4.1-5.23       11) Proverbs 20.1-21.31

4) Hebrews 4.1-16  13) Hebrews 10.19-39    4) Proverbs 6.1-7.27       12) Proverbs 22.1-23.35

5) Hebrews 5.1-14  13) Hebrews 11.1-40      5) Proverbs 8.1-9.18       13) Proverbs 24.1-25.28

6) Hebrews 6.1-20  14) Hebrews 12.1-17      6) Proverbs 10.1-11.31   14) Proverbs 26.1-27.27

7) Hebrews 7.1-28  15) Hebrews 12.18-29    7) Proverbs 12.1-13.25   15) Proverbs 28.1-29.27

8) Hebrews 8.1-13  16) Hebrews 13.1-25      8) Proverbs 14.1-15.33   16) Proverbs 30.1-31.31


Evening 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Fall: Daniel                                                     Spring: Revelation

1) Daniel 1.1-21        9) Daniel 7.1-14           1) Revelation 1.1-20         9) Revelation 12.1-17

2) Daniel 2.1-30      10) Daniel 7.15-28         2) Revelation 2.1-29        10) Revelation 13.1-18

3) Daniel 2.31-49    11) Daniel 8.1-27           3) Revelation 3.1-22        11) Revelation 14.1-20

4) Daniel 3.1-30      12) Daniel 9.1-27           4) Revelation 4.1-5.14     12) Revelation 15.1-16.21

5) Daniel 4.1-18      13) Daniel 10.1-21         5) Revelation 6.1-7.17     13) Revelation 17.1-18.24

6) Daniel 4.19-37    14) Daniel 11.1-19         6) Revelation 8.1-13        14) Revelation 19.1-20.15

7) Daniel 5.1-30      15) Daniel 11.20-45       7) Revelation 9.1-10.11    15) Revelation 21.1-27

8) Daniel 6.1-28      16) Daniel 12.1-13         8) Revelation 11.1-19       16) Revelation 22-1-21



Mark 9.24

Monthly Home Bible Study, September 2014, Number 259

The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall


Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as a congregation in this home study. We will study alone then talk informally about the assigned verses together as we have opportunity. In this way we can "gather together around the Word" even though physically we will not be getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)

We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious scale" (For Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved in the Bible" (Opening the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans, however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW 30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW 29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW 25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall, Making A New World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).


Week I. Read Mark 9.24 noting the phrase help my unbelief. What does that mean? On this read Luke 17.5 noting the phrase increase our faith. But how do we help our unbelief by increasing our faith? On this read Hebrews 11.1 noting the word pairs, assurance and hope, conviction and unseen. Increasing these would bolster our faith – so must we then have a larger dose of the unseen and the only hoped for? On this read Romans 10.17 noting the correlation between heard and faith. Does stressing the heard word of God, accentuate the unseen? On this read 2 Corinthians 4.18 noting the correlation between the words unseen and eternal, and 1 Peter 1.25 noting the correlation between the word of God and what abides forever. But how do we carefully attend to God’s word? On this read John 6.44 noting the word draws. What is that like? On this read Romans 11.24 noting the line grafted contrary to nature. Note also the words delivered and transferred in Colossians 1.13. Do you think that increasing faith is coercive? Why or why not?


Week II. Read again Mark 9.24 noting the phrase help my unbelief. Now what about that coercion, mentioned last week? On this read Acts 9.3-22 noting the words flashed, fell, eyes, led, suffer and scales. So was Saul forced to believe? On this read Philippians 2.12 noting the line work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Did Saul struggle? Or was he closer to the gift in Ephesians 2.8 – coming down from heaven as James 1:17 says? Or did Saul draw near to God, so that God would draw near to him, as James 4.8 puts it? Did it have nothing to do with man’s will or exertion, as Romans 9.16 points out? Did God choose Saul, and not the other way around, as John 15.16 says? On all these matters, read Luke 1.26-38 noting the words troubled, afraid, favor, how, overshadow, Elizabeth, impossible, let and word. Are all of our concerns gathered up in this account of Mary’s faith? If so, how so? Where are the gifts and where are the struggles in her case?


Week III. Reread Mark 9.24 noting that same phrase help my unbelief. On coming to faith, read John 20.24-29 noting the words seen, see, finger, believe, faithless, answered and blessed. So did Thomas believe because he touched the risen Lord? If he did, it’s not mentioned here. If he did touch Jesus, no one thought it should be written down. So how do these three cases of coming to faith – Saul, Mary and Thomas – compare? One thing they have in common is Romans 10.9 and its line if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart,… you will be saved. All three of them are bold and forthright – no anonymous faith or private believing with any of them. But where did they get this nerve? On this read John 3.3-11 noting the words born, anew, kingdom, womb, water, Spirit, wind, know, how and understand. Note also the words believes and baptized in Mark 16.16. What sort of factor is the baptismal birthing? Does it combine gift and suffering into one event?


Week IV. Read Mark 9.24 one last time noting again help my unbelief. But will faith stay – once it’s here? On this read 1 Timothy 1.19 noting the words shipwreck and faith. How does this happen? In that same verse it says by rejecting conscience. It also says we must be engaged in the good warfare. On this collapse read Mathew 7.21-23 noting the contrast between says and does. This contrast has to do with James 2.26 that faith apart from works is dead; and with 2 Peter 1.5 about supplementing faith with virtue and knowledge. So faith that’s held in the heart but not acted upon in everyday life, withers away. Does this tie into the phrases provided we suffer in Romans 8.17; and receive glory from one another in John 5:44? Apparently. But what about miracles – do they lead to faith? On this read John 2.11 which says they do; and John 12.37 which says they do not. Where does that leave you? Apparently with some hope here, but no guarantees. So what about the guarantee in John 10.29? See 2 Timothy 2.13. Does that help?




There are a lot of ways that we “extend our ministries.”  So far this year we have focused on the West Seattle Food Bank, the West Seattle Helpline, and Gospel for Asia.  

     There is another organization in our general area that has been quietly operating in the Skagit Valley, ministering to the many Latino farm workers, that deserves our attention.  It is El Camino de Emmaus.  They worship at Burlington Lutheran Church.   Their congregation is served by two sons of the church, who came to the United States as young boys, and didn’t even know what a Lutheran was and who also happen to be cousins – Pr. Esau Cuevas and Pr. Emilio Benitez.  The majority of their work centers on the families of the farm workers.  They also have joined forces with an Episcopal church in the area to hold summer day camps for children ages 2-13. They have offered tutoring in reading, math, and writing for school age children, day care for younger children, meals, and field

trips. Quite an undertaking.  Pr. Benitz assists with celebrating the Eucharist for La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurrection, which is the sponsoring church of the day camps.  El Camino has also sponsored various youth events, musical presentations, and potluck get-togethers, in additions to offering weekly church services.     Since many of their parishioners have small incomes, their need for additional help is great.  El Camino provides back to school supplies and backpacks for the children.  They help with utility bills.  They even help families hold on to their houses when facing foreclosure and as well as with debt reduction when funds are available.

     We will be featuring El Camino de Emmaus in September and October this year.  We will be collecting donations during the next two months.  Just note on your check, payable to FLCWS, that the money is to go to El Camino de Emmaus.  There are some newsletters on the bulletin board in the Parish House for you to read.   Keep them in your prayers.  They are doing a valuable work for many marginalized members of our community.  It is a way to help the poor and weak.  It helps us extend our ministry.  Want more information?


─The Church Council



Homeless in Seattle


Interviewing Nadine Nyambi


By Pastor Marshall


Nadine Nyambi was an AmeriCorps volunteer at the West Seattle Helpline in 2011-2012. After leaving the Helpline, she started the MPA graduate program at Seattle University, while working at Plymouth Housing in downtown Seattle. She graduated in June 2014.

Ron: What is your job at Plymouth Housing?

Nadine: I'm responsible for screening clients to see if they qualify for our homeless housing program. This includes explaining program eligibility requirements, program policies/procedures and referring applicants to other supportive services throughout the community if they are unqualified to be housed by our organization.

Ron: How many people do you help?

Nadine: We have 13 housing units, mostly in downtown Seattle. When everything is going the way it’s supposed to I can assist up to 8 applicants per month through our housing process. Other employees in the organization do an excellent job of helping the homeless get housed. We roughly house over 200 people right off the streets and other transitional housing programs.

Ron: Do you work with any other non-profits?

Nadine: Yes, there are other organizations that we work with. To name a few, Compass Housing Alliance, REACH, Solid Grounds....etc they provide about the same type of service that we do.

Ron: Are you able to meet the need?

Nadine: Three-four years ago the homeless population was able to have their needs met. (Many larger organizations could report that roughly 50% of their clients were able to be housed and smaller organizations reported about 33% when it came to assisting with rental assistance, housing and other basic needs. The West Seattle Helpline one of the smaller in that category was able to deliver at 33%.) However, now it’s hard to predict due to the influx of people from other states who had heard about our wonderful housing programs and services. It hasn't been the same since and the desperation for housing is clear to the homeless population from the time period of 5pm-7am when people are searching for a warm place to sleep every day.

Ron: What is the unmet housing need in Seattle now, then?

Nadine: There are a lot of homeless people in Seattle. More than I have witnessed prior to working directly with the homeless population. This year Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness (SKCCH) reported that 3,123 people had no shelter during the annual one-night count of the homeless. The numbers have increased since the last two one-night counts

I have been a part of with the West Seattle Helpline. However, the 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development reports that about 17,760 people are homeless in Washington State. The definition of homelessness and other factors alters the above figures...etc

Ron: Who are the homeless?

Nadine: The definition of homelessness is not a one size fits all type of definition. There are the chronically homeless who have been homeless for 1 year or more and have experienced four or more episodes of homelessness in the last three years. There are the sheltered and unsheltered homeless. Sheltered meaning you are without permanent housing but in some type of transitional housing or emergency shelter. The unsheltered are the homeless living on the streets or places not designed for shelter stays i.e. cars, bus stops, bridges...etc

    In my opinion, policies define the homeless not the situation that someone’s in. For example, one has to be sleeping on the streets, in transitional housing or emergency shelters to qualify for most homeless housing programs. If you sleep on a friend's couch, you're not considered homeless. If you are working and make more than $18,540 for a single household, or applying for a 30% unit that’s subsidized you do not qualify for homeless housing. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the homeless definition and some folks might not meet them because they are going through some type of transitional phase out of homelessness. But a majority of the mentally ill and homeless with substance abuse problems remain homeless and have for quite some time.

Ron: How many work at Plymouth Housing?

Nadine: It’s a large organization. We have three administrative offices and have about 100 employees. There are staff that oversee and maintain the buildings as well. The number of employees can be more than the above estimate since some work on call.

Ron: Who has the toughest job?

Nadine: In my opinion the building staff has the toughest job. They are faced with a very difficult task of maintaining the building, providing supportive services to people who don’t know how to live in a stable housing environment. It’s really difficult for the mentally ill and many who have been on the streets for long to follow procedures that are designed to better one’s life. Then there are the people who work in compliance. For example, I have a hard time telling someone that they do not qualify for the opportunity to apply for housing. It becomes a problem because some feel they are being discriminated against, some become angry because they have been hopeful for 2-3 years and then I give them the, “sorry you have been staying with a friend for 6 months until present, that is considered couch surfing. You are not homeless.” It’s frustrating sometimes.

Ron: What is the outlook?

Nadine: Plymouth Housing is working on a new building for occupancy. Progress is being made and everyone is excited. Our partner non-profits and other advocates are working hard as well. The issue of homelessness and lack of housing is something that’s hard to tackle especially at this time more than ever, but many are working on it every day. It gives me hope.



PLEASE NOTE that due to complications with contractors and suppliers regarding the installation of a new floor, the Parish Hall is closed for the next month or two. 

DEO GLORIA CANTORES – Choir will start their practice sessions at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 2nd, in the gallery. 

Fall Schedule starts on Sunday, September 7th.  Adult Bible Class, rm. D and Sunday School, rm. 4, 9:00 am.  Confirmation (6th – 8th grades) meet in the library. The Wednesday pastor’s classes (10:00 am & 7:30 pm in rm. D), and confirmation (3:30 pm in rm. D) start on September 10th.

FOOD BANK DONATION suggestion for September is canned, boxed or instant soup.



Saint Nicholas Faire


Sunday, December 7, 2014 from 4 to 7 pm


We’re at it again.  Thank you to all who have already begun helping prepare for this annual fund raising event.  So many of you have stepped up to the plate, or in this case the “Christmas in July and August tree,” and taken ornaments.  Many of you have already made your purchases/donations and they have been catalogued and are waiting to be made into baskets for purchasing at the Faire.  At this writing, there are still some ornaments left on the “Christmas in July and August tree”… if you can purchase additional items for gift baskets please give me a call and I can let you know what we still need (Larraine at 206-937-6740). If you would prefer, you can donate money designated to the St. Nicholas Faire and we will do the shopping.  But most important, always remember that all our efforts are to support, in a fun and enjoyable way, two very important extended ministries – the West Seattle Food Bank and the West Seattle Helpline.

    We are looking forward to having a super evening of wine tasting, a new twist on the wine toss game (for prizes!), munchies, conversation and fellowship, and “shopping” for Christmas gifts for friends and family.  Where else can you go so close to home to such a party that benefits two great organizations!  So plan to come and invite your neighbors and family and friends. 

     Sign-up sheets for helpers for the event will be posted in October and more details about the event will appear in future Messengers and bulletin announcements.  So,

MARK YOUR CALENDARS – December 7, 2014, 4-7 pm

     If you don’t come there will be no party, no fun, and no funds raised for the Food Bank and Helpline.      

 ─Larraine King





Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your

brothers and sisters through baptism.


Sam Lawson, Jim Coile, Anelma Meeks, Kyra Stromberg, Mildred Nikula, Nora Vanhala, Natalie Nesvig, Mary Goplerud, Michael Nestoss, Cynthia Natiello, Leah Baker, Clara Anderson, Peggy & Bill Wright & Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Cameron Lim, Ion Ceaicovschi, Luke Bowen, Tabitha Anderson, Max Richardson, The Jones Family, Kurt & Jenny Alfano, Robin Kaufman, Rosita & Jim Moe, Asha Sagmoen, Dano, Karen & W. Erick, Anna & John Bertelsen, Marie & Rick Collins, Karen Klein, Dee Grenier, Gary Coy, Ron Tjerandsen, Paul Sponheim, The Rev. Bill Hampton, Jeanie Goodwin, Victoria Thoren, Nathan Arkle, Mark Jarvimaki, The Rev. Doug Lindsay, Lauren Kinney. 

    Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them joy:  Clara Anderson, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C. J. Christian, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler, Peggy & Bill Wright.

    Pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one:  Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their hearts:  Pray for family and friends of Vera Gunnarson on her death.  Also pray for Melanie Johnson and family, on the death of her mother Agnes Arkle; and pray for the family and friends of Olive Morrison on her death.

    Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which they have been called.

    Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and in celebration of stewardship.  Pray that God would work within you to become a good steward of your time, your talents and finances.  Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our congregation in these same ways.

    Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this September.  Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress. 

    Pray for our extended ministries: El Camino de Emaus in the Skagit Valley, and the Gospel for Asia that God may bless and strengthen their ministry. Also, pray for our parish and its ministry.

    Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:  Saint Barnabas; Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles; Saint Mary Magdalene; Saint James the Elder and Saint Bartholomew, Apostles; and St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord.

 A Treasury of Prayers


O Lord God, give me a humble, quiet, peaceable, patient, tender and charitable mind. Give me also a lively faith, a firm hope, a fervent charity, and a growing love for you. Take from me all lukewarmness in meditation and dullness in prayer. Give me delight in thinking of you, and grace in working for you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

       [For All the Saints (ALPB, 1994-1996) IV:1026, altered]