January 2015


The Promise of Christmas


Scriptures tell us that Jesus, born of Mary, will one day be great (Luke 1:32). But this is not apparent when he is born. He’s in the barn with the animals and shepherds. And in a short while he flees with his family to Egypt to hide from the deadly king, Herod (Matthew 2:14). No greatest there – in either of these episodes. So when does he fulfill this promise of Christmas?


    John 12:23-32 has the answer – it happens on Good Friday! But what an unlikely place for glory – hanging there, nailed and dying on the cross. That would seem more like unadulterated shame, termination, failure and loss. Anything but glory!

     Yet this is precisely what Christmas is driving toward. This is precisely why the Word became flesh. Christ is born to die on the cross – to save us from our sins.

     So keep Christmas in perspective. Keep it linked to its goal on the Cross. Do that and you won’t have to worry about your Christmas celebration turning into simpering, silly, sentimentality. Thanks be to God!

Pastor Marshall 



What We’re Supposed to Be


Shakespeare on Being Human


Pastor Marshall


One more time I’m looking into Harold Bloom’s, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (1998) for congenial secular clues for what the ideal human being looks like.

     This last time I’m lifting up Shakespeare’s other great female character, Rosalind. Bloom says that her greatness lies in her “intelligibility.” She displays that best when she rejects Orlando’s protest that he will die if she won’t love him: “Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love” (As You Like It IV.i.106-108). Here she “deflates subtly and definitively,” Bloom writes, “the male refusal to grow up.” Bloom adds that this intellectual prowess includes as well, freedom, happiness and wit (210-11). Nevertheless, “Rosalind is as integrated a personality as Shakespeare created…. Her changes unfold persuasively and only deepen the selfsame continuity of her nature” (209).

     This forcefulness and breadth of mind in Rosalind is also there in the admonition of Jesus to be “wise as serpents, and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). Because of that, she should be useful to Christians trying to explain to an uninterested world what makes for excellent human living.


The Civil War Anniversary



By Pastor Marshall

The Civil War (1861–1865) ended this year, 150 years ago―and it deserves our attention because of the role the churches played in it. I think the best way to do that is to read Allen C. Guelzo’s new book, Fateful Lightning: A New History of the Civil War & Reconstruction (Oxford, 2012). He teaches at the Lutheran college in Gettysburg. This is a revision of his 1994 book, The Crisis of the American Republic.

    One of Guelzo’s major points is that the Civil War built upon our previous civil wars―the War of 1812 (1812–1815) and the American Revolution (1775–1783). On these two wars, which normally are not thought of as civil wars, see Alan Taylor, The Civil War of 1812: American Citizens, British Subjects, Irish Rebels (Knopf, 2010); and Thomas B. Allen, Tories: Fighting for the King in America’s First Civil War (Harper, 2010). These are startling findings because they say that the Civil War wasn’t an accident but deeply engrained in our country from the beginning, and having to do with more than slavery, like the economic development of tariffs, taxes, banks and international trade (12–28).

    Regarding the matter of slavery, over which the war was primarily fought, Guelzo describes a surprisingly complex situation: “Just as the South’s cotton agriculture bound Southern whites to the defense of slavery, it also bound the Northern bankers and merchants who lent the planters money to the toleration of slavery” (48).

    And regarding the role of the churches in the war, the North differed from the South. In the North the church “could not escape the uneasy sense that slavery… was indeed sanctioned by the Bible, and [so] they found themselves driven to the unlikely expedient of arguing, not from the letter of the Bible but from its much more intangible spirit, [putting] them uncomfortably close to the Romantics” (414). For the South, however, General Robert E. Lee was “canonized… after his death in 1870 as a kind of Protestant saint [in that his] dignified surrender… was a model of Christian fortitude in the face of disaster…. [His] courageous and humble bearing showed [Southerners] that suffering might be a nobler calling than victory, and that the South could claim through Lee that it had surrendered not to superior political morality but only to superior numbers” (527–28).

    These very different religious strains make this war difficult to understand. And events in Ferguson, Missouri, this year, with a white officer killing an unarmed black man, make it all the more look like it’s still going on. In this regard Guelzo laments that we, to our great detriment, are still missing ― what might help us most in understanding this disaster of 150 years ago ― a first-class “Iliad for the Civil War” (529).


                       PRESIDENT'S REPORT....by Larraine King


O Morning Star, how fair & bright, You shine with God’s own truth & light,

            Aglow with grace & mercy!.......Our hearts to serve you only!

So begins the first verse of Hymn #76.  What a grand hymn tune and outstanding text.  Hymns specific to Epiphany are found in Lutheran Book of Worship #75-90.  There are some gems.  Great devotional material. 

     Year’s end and the beginning of the new year – different, but also the same, mostly because we carry from one year to the next, situations and problems that have not been well resolved.  At the December council meeting, we discussed the financial health of our church, and we’re still running behind budget by about $6,000.  Hopefully that is now old news and we met budget at year’s end.  If not, then we will be looking very carefully at the 2015 budget and making necessary cuts to match giving expectations.  We all want to do what is necessary to maintain our facility – repairs and upgrades – and we want to pay our staff well.  But the bottom line is our giving.  If it falls behind or doesn’t meet the level of what has been budgeted, we have to make adjustments and cuts.  Pray about our stewardship and giving to First Lutheran.  We must remember why we tithe and desire to return thanks for the many blessings we have received.  More specifics of the budget will be discussed at the Annual Meeting which will be held on Sunday, January 25th, 2015 following the 10:30 am liturgy.

     The 6th St. Nicholas Faire was a success!  We have over $6,700 to donate to the West Seattle Helpline and the West Seattle Food Bank.  Best ever!  Thanks to everyone who donated, helped at the event, and attended.  It makes a huge difference when we work together for a common cause. 

     There is a need to donate extra money to our Agape Fund.  In November a large amount of money was used to help a single mother of 11 children pay her utility bills.  We are grateful that the church was able to step in and help her.  We learned about her from the West Seattle Helpline, but they were not able to help her.  Now the Agape Fund has very little money in it to help others who might be in similar desperate situations.

     Work continues around the church facility and parsonage to upgrade and maintain the buildings, and do projects that have been waiting for attention.  We are especially blessed to have such qualified members as Dale Korsmo, Alex Ceaicovschi, and Andy Nelson who are such willing helpers with these projects.

     As we enter 2015, pray that we remain faithful willing servants of the body of Christ, generous donors of our talents and treasures.  We are all members of this church; we all have responsibility to do our part.  And while it is often joked that there is no rest for the wicked, it is more accurate to say that there is no rest for the faithful, for they must always be on the alert to Satan’s temptations to divert us from the straight and narrow path of obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  This is a 24/7 occupation that has no down time.  This makes an excellent resolution for 2015.  We have been led by the star to the manger.  Now we have to walk in the way of our Lord every moment of every day of our lives.  This is the way, walk in it, says the prophet Isaiah.



Stewardship 2014


                                 Month (November)          Year to date (Jan-November)

Budget                            $19,330                                  $223,567

Received                         $22,129                                  $226,019




A Definition of Faith


One definition in the dictionary for steward is “a person who manages another’s property or financial affairs…” So, let’s consider for a moment that we are to manage the Lord’s financial affairs that he has generously entrusted to us…

     Reading from Matthew 6:25-31 we are not to worry about our lives. The Lord takes care of the birds not knowing where they will sleep, the lilies are taken care of and do not toil or spin but continue to grow. Luke 12:22-28 tells us not to worry about food, clothes, or life as we will be taken care of and to have faith. Our Father knows what we need. We then should not concern ourselves with abundance but be thankful; and in thankfulness return a portion of our gifts to the Lord.

     In hymn 410, “We give Thee but Thine Own” from the Lutheran Book of Worship – we sing in the first two verses –

We give thee but thine own, What’er the gift may be;

All that we have is thine alone,

A trust, O Lord from thee.

May we thy bounties thus, As stewards true receive,

And gladly, as thou blessest us,

To thee our first-fruits give.

     As stewards of God let us each strive to do God’s will and be better custodians of his properties and finances. Let us also continue to thank God for his blessings and in return give back to the Lord that which is His.  

─Jeff Sagmoen, Church Council



Plumbing the Depths


Robert W. Jenson’s Metaphysics

By Pastor Marshall

This is my last column on Robert W. Jenson’s new book, Theology as Revisionary Metaphysics: Essays on God and Creation. In it I want to show how he thinks about depictions of Christ in the church.

     Jenson begins by noting that there are problems with depicting Jesus Christ because the Bible rules against making any graven images of God in Exodus 20:4 (171). But since Jesus is revealed as the very image of God (Colossians 1:15), we have license to have, for instance, a crucifix of him on our altars. Because of this image, “God’s acts by which he makes himself our merciful God, take place and are historical realities as the human story of Jesus Christ,… events which make up the personal history of Jesus of Nazareth [and] are (with no qualification) God’s history-creating acts by which we have a life with him.” And so we can then “make and use liturgically significant images, images in which our history with God is posited, without the fake attempt to grasp in a work of our hands the union of God and man in Christ, without creating graven images of a divinized man” (178).

     To our great amazement, nothing in these depictions of Christ―“in the image itself―nothing whatsoever”―can be distinguished from those “secular works of art where Jesus’ story simply provides historical subject-matter.” The goal here is to “resolutely avoid all attempts at showing Christ’s divinity by a spiritualizing of the forms.” The key differentiation is instead “the use made of [the] image within [a] liturgical action” in the church, and especially in a location which points to “God’s coming to us”―like the altar rather than “the nave with its aisles” (178).

     More to the point, then, all depictions of Christ must be based on “events from the evangelical [or Biblical] history, rather than portraiture.” So the common “head of Christ does not belong in a house of worship. It is the crucifix, the manger-scene, the cleansing of the temple, etc., which are the human nature we are allowed to depict.” So in showing this history of Christ we must “avoid all modes and styles of realization which suggests that this human life is finished and fulfilled in itself. Impressionism and the allied movements which grow out of the scientific impulse, which seek to be empirical and capture the present visual reality just as it is in the moment, will not produce liturgically suitable images of Christ, nor will naturalism or realism, whether of the trick-the-eye or ashcan school―for here again it is what the subject is in and of its own reality that dominates. A good liturgical image will be distorted and abstracted, not to spiritualize the image but to break it, to open it, to destroy its self-contained sensuality. Even a strong dose of crudity will often be in order” (179).






ST NICHOLAS FAIRE 2014 can be described as a tremendous success!!!!  And without everyone who donated, helped, attended, and purchased silent auction items, played the ring toss game, and tasted and purchased wine, there would be no accolades to share.  You all are simply awesome!!!

    It takes everyone banding together and each doing their part to make an event successful.  Many thanks to everyone who donated items that were made into baskets to be sold, or baked cookies to be purchased, or cider to be sipped, or wine to be won at the Ring Toss Game: Dale and Teri Korsmo, Bob and Mona Ayer, Ernie and Lynn Hopson, Ted and Maxine Foss, Tim and Gina Allen, Wendy Eaton, Pastor Marshall, Jane Harty, Jose and Sonja Clemente, Janice Lundbeck, Bob and Connie Baker, Lorraine Toly, Phil and Natalie Nesvig, Dana and Matthew Kahn, David King, Liz and Justin Olsen, Sue Olsen, Andrew King, Peter and Janine Douglass, Earl and Carol Nelson, Andy Nelson, Chuck and Doris Prescott, David Juhl, Valerie and Scott Schorn, Ieva Young, Kathrine Young and Steve McCord, Sue and Ted Fletcher, Kari and Alex Ceaicovschi, Evan Ceaicovschi, Simon Ceaicovschi, Kendall Jones, Jim Coile, Matthew and Ali Richardson, Mariann Peterson, Evelyn Coy, Bridget and Jeff Sagmoen, Whitney Tjerandsen, Ting Ting Chang, Howard Storhoff, and Mary Goplerud.

    A special thank you goes to Matthew and Dana Kahn for preparing and serving such delicious appetizers.  Yummy!  All freshly prepared with gourmet flavor and flare!  Having Rich Marshall share the delights of Maryhill wine with us is extra special, plus he had a phone that we could watch the end of the Seahawks game.  That was over the top!  (Next year we will consult the game schedule before setting the time for our event.) Thank you to Pastor Marshall for being willing to do whatever needs doing.  And to Jane Harty for typing all of the bid sheets.  My co-chair, Liz Olsen, is a constant source of good ideas and enthusiasm; ever willing to execute new and creative ways of presenting the gift baskets, organizing the room, etc.  This event would not happen without all of the contributions by many people.  Much of the work happens behind the scenes and is not at all glamorous.  My gratitude is immense for everyone’s help and participation.

The best part of the event is knowing that all the hard work yields proceeds to help 2 worthy organizations – the West Seattle Food Bank and West Seattle Helpline.  This year we have over $6,700 to donate to their work in our community.  That is what it is all about.  And to have such a fabulous time doing it, is wonderful. 

Thanks again to everyone who helped and came and supported our 6th annual St. Nicholas Faire!


January Book

With the Mind:  Readings in Contemporary Theology

3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, January 17th


The book for January is The Juvenilization of American Christinaity (2012), by Thomas E. Bergler, a professor at Huntington University in Indiana. This book is about youth ministry gone awry. It’s about how the church “embracing immature versions of the faith,” and insisting that they are “appropriate for Christians of all ages” (4). This unfortunate trend started in the 1930s in America and exploded on the scene in the 1950s and 1960s with the advent of teenage culture (5). At the heart of this movement is the conviction that the passion and authenticity of youth is “the gold standard of Christian spirituality” (2). Even though there have been some gains in this youth trend, it also has “hurt” the church (7). This book exposes that damage and seek to remedy it.

     A copy of this important, in depth study of youth ministry is in the church library. If you would like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend our meeting when we discuss how best to pass on the faith to young people in the church and in society as a whole.




OFFERING ENVELOPES for 2015 are now available on the office window counter. 

2015 FLOWER CHART is available for sign up.  Sign up early for the best selection!

FOOD BANK COLLECTION suggested donation for January is pasta, noodles and sauces.

ANNUAL REPORT for 2014:  Staff, officer and committee reports are now due.  If you have not already submitted your report please get it in to the office as soon as possible.  If you need inspiration, dust off your report from last year, or pick up a copy from the office.

SCRAPPERS will meet on Wednesday, January 28th.

SUNDAY ADULT EDUCATION:  All Bound Up – Luther’s Great Treatise on the Human Will.  In this short, four week class, we will study Luther’s greatest book, The Bondage of the Will (1525). The class will study a collection of excerpts from Luther’s treatise. This class is the nineth in our series of studies in the Reformation leading up to its 500th anniversary in 2017.

PASTOR MARSHALL’s next Koran Class starts on Thursday, January 8th.  Call the office if you plan to attend.  He has been teaching this 4 week class 4 times a year since 2003.




Acts 28.6

Monthly Home Bible Study, January 2015, Number 263

The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall


Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as a congregation in this home study. We will study alone then talk informally about the assigned verses together as we have opportunity. In this way we can "gather together around the Word" even though physically we will not be getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)


We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious scale" (For Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved in the Bible" (Opening the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans, however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW 30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW 29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW 25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall, Making A New World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).


Week I. Read Acts 28.6 noting the word changed. What was it that they changed their minds about? On this read Acts 28.4 noting the word murderer. Why did they think Paul was a murderer? On this read Acts 28.3 noting the words viper and hand. Why should this verse lead to that conclusion? On this read Genesis 9.5 noting the words lifeblood and reckoning. Was there any reason to suppose that Paul was a murderer, and that dying by snake bite was his reckoning? On this read Acts 7.58 and 9.1 noting the words stoned and murder. (Note that Saul’s name later is changed to Paul – Acts 13.9.) Why aren’t murderers shown any mercy? On this read again Acts 28.4 noting the word justice. Read as well Isaiah 61.8 noting the line I the Lord love justice. What does justice require? On this read Isaiah 1.17 noting the words correct, defend and plead. Read also Psalm 99.4 noting the word equity. Are there any exceptions to this even-handedness? On this read Numbers 35.9-12 noting the words cities, refuge, manslayer, intent, avenger and judgment. Do you think these cities were a good idea? Explain your answer.


Week II. Read again Acts 28.6 noting the line expecting him to… suddenly fall down dead. Is this the way God’s justice works? On this read Luke 13.5 noting the words unless and perish. Read also John 5.14 noting the line sin no more, that nothing worse befall you. So is there to be sudden recompense or not? On this read Acts 12.23 noting the words immediately and smote. Is that always the way it’s supposed to go? On this read Psalm 50.21 noting the words done, silent and now. What does this verse imply – that there isn’t always immediate, sudden recompense? Luther thought that when God “postpones” his punishment, it’s actually worse because when it finally comes, we think we’ve escaped only to find out, much to our chagrin, that the opposite is actually the case (Luther’s Works 28:159-60). Do you agree? On this delay read Habakkuk 2.3 noting the phrase if it seems slow. Read also on the passage of time, 2 Peter 3.8-9, noting the contrast between the words one and a thousand, and the phrase not slow… as some count slowness.


Week III. Reread Acts 28.6 noting the line waited a long time. Why did they wait so long before changing their minds – especially since they were expecting a sudden death? On this read Acts 28.5 noting the line shook off the creature into the fire. Was this unexpected? On this read Proverbs 23.29-35 noting the words wine and serpent. These words describe a relentless creature that blocks any shaking off. Because of that they may have been puzzled by what Paul was able to do – and had to wait and see what would come of it. On this strange ability of Paul’s, read Mark 16.17 noting the line pick up serpents and… it will not hurt them. Does this still pertain today? On this read Matthew 12:38-41 noting the line no sign shall be given… except the sign of Jonah. This goes against the signs in Mark 16. Read also Matthew 4.7 about not forcing God to rescue you, by recklessly endangering yourself. That also goes against Mark 16. But Mark 16 still is valid – but only for the first century mission in Jerusalem. Once the church spread outside of Jerusalem, Matthew 12 pertains – or so thought Luther (Sermons of Martin Luther, Lenker edition, 3:241-42). What do you think?


Week IV. Read Acts 28.6 one last time noting the word god. Why this flip-flop? On this read Acts 14.8-18 noting the words gods and nature. The analysis here is that the Lycaonians couldn’t grasp divine mediation through human agents. Instead they collapsed the one into the other – thereby identifying the two. Against this wrong-heading identification, read Romans 1.25 noting the words exchanged, worshipped and rather. How is this warded off? On this read 2 Corinthians 4.7 noting the words treasure, earthen, vessels, transcendent and belongs. How does that block idolatry? Are there any other ways to do so?




The Epiphany of Our Lord

On Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord will be celebrated at 11:45 am in the chapel with Holy Eucharist. 

   Only Matthew's Gospel remembers this event.  Celebrate the magi's coming to worship and bring gifts to the Christ child. 




The Baptism of Our Lord

 First Sunday After the Epiphany

The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord will be celebrated

Sunday, January 11, 2015.

In Matthew 3:15 Jesus tells John to baptize him in order "to fulfill all righteousness."  Luther teaches: Baptism was instituted by God primarily for Christ's sake and then afterwards also for the sake of all men.  For first he must sanctify baptism through his own body and thereby take away the sin, in order that afterwards those who believe him may have the forgiveness of sins (Luther's Works 51:318).




 EXTENDED MINISTRIES…..We have just had a wonderful holiday season, and are recovering from the events and gatherings.  Back in the real world, members of our community are still suffering from hunger, homelessness, needing money to meet basic expenses.  January is traditionally a very difficult month for social service agencies.  The needs are huge, and the giving goes way down.  What can be done about this???  For starters, we can purpose to continue to bring food every time we come to worship.  This will help keep the Food Bank supplied to meet the needs that still exist.  We can donate money to the West Seattle Helpline to help them fund clients who need help with paying their utility bills.  Winter is an especially difficult and expensive time for someone’s utilities to be shut off – not that any time is good to be facing that – but we can donate to alleviate that.  Donate gently use clothing to the Clothing Bank, a branch of the West Seattle Helpline.  And even closer to home, we can donate cash to our church’s Agape Fund, which exists to help people in our community who find themselves in dire need.  We are so blessed.  We have food.  We have heat, water, and electricity.  We have clothes and shelter.  We probably have little experience what it would be like not to have these necessities.  Start the new year well by sharing with those in need.   You will be blessed as you bless others.

─Larraine King, Extended Ministries Committee

OUR MANY THANKS to Larraine King and family for all of the work they did to organize and put on the St. Nicholas Faire!  Once again it was an impressive event bringing in close to seven thousand dollars for the West Seattle Food Bank and Helpline.


Christmas Help

This year we did something a little different to help our neighbors at Christmas.  There was a family in West Seattle who had their water turned off and were struggling under very unsanitary conditions.  They had 11 children at home.  Because other agencies in the area were not able to help them we decided to help them get their water turned back on ($800 from our Agape Fund). 

     Thank you to those who donate regularly to this fund so that when there is a need like this, we can help. 

     Thanks also to those who put together Christmas gift bags to cheer the elderly who are not able to make it to church.  Pastor Marshall delivers the bags when he makes his regular visitations.

Thank You to those who brought in Christmas gift items for Compass Housing Alliance.  This year Pastor Marshall was able to take to the Compass Center: one pair of fleece pants size L, five pairs of winter gloves, one knitted scarf, seventeen pairs of winter socks, eight winter hats, eight tooth brushes, two lip gloss, two packs of razors, five gift cards and 40 personal size, toiletries.



Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your

brothers and sisters through baptism.

Jeannine Lingle, Dorothy Ryder, Emma Sagmoen, Evelyn Coy, Sam, Nancy, Kim and Kevin Lawson, Jim Coile, Kyra Stromberg, Nora Vanhala, Mary Goplerud, Michael Nestoss, Cynthia Natiello, Clara Anderson, Leah Baker, Peggy & Bill Wright & Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Cameron Lim, Ion Ceaicovschi, Luke Bowen, Tabitha Anderson, Kendel Jones and her Family, Rosita & Jim Moe, Kristine and Ové Varik, Ken Sharp, Jack Garon, Brian Mangon, James Stojack, Dee Grenier, The Johnny Tarrant family, Brett & Kathy, Carol McCord, Larry Johnson, Kate Stannard, Kathy Heynes, Ruth Johnson, and those suffering from and fighting the Ebola virus. 

    Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them joy:  Clara Anderson, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C. J. Christian, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora Vanhala, Vivian Wheeler, Peggy & Bill Wright.

     Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which they have been called.

     Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and in celebration of Stewardship.  Pray that God would work within you to become a good steward of your time, your talents and finances.  Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in these same ways.

     Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this New Year. 

     Pray for our sister congregation:  El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God may bless and strengthen their ministry.  Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.

     Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints: Saint Peter; Saint Paul; and Martin Luther King, Jr., martyr, 1968.


A Treasury of Prayers


O Lord God, I know that you are the end for which I was created, and that I can expect no happiness except in you. Give me strength to fill my heart with your love so that it may be the motive for everything that I do with my understanding, affections, senses, health, time and talents. Rule my heart without rival; dispose all my thoughts, words, and deeds to your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


[For All the Saints (ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols., I:44, altered]